Monday, May 7, 2018

Beyond Time and Space

There is a reality outside of time and space.  This reality however has given birth to time and space.  Time and space tick and move, singing the praises of their animator.  Animation has been set in motion, it's innards and outsides seen, known, cared for, called and held.  We are not left orphans.  If in this life we are, we need to discover there is a reality deeper, truer and more potent than our current experience.  It calls to us.  Invites us.  Desires to hold us in its arms.

Every injury is accounted for.  Every scar is seen.  Every tear held.  Every life precious.  Every hurt within every life desired to be set free.

The soul knows its home.  It will not rest until it meets it Maker.  Which side of eternity we are on doesn't matter, for a souls home will always be a souls home.  And the invitation is always there.  The home of the soul wants the soul, just as the soul wants it's home.  We must just give way to the natural order of things.  After all, love wins.

In the Midst

The storm rages on.  Sometimes, it's a dry passage of time, feeling numb.  Is there a harbor in this storm?  Are these minutes wasted?  Or is there a Good that can take even these, even our broken hearts, and somehow may a beautiful spread from them.

In the midst of the storm is a heart beating.  Maybe if I close my eyes and listen for it, maybe if I tune my ears to the message behind my chaos, maybe then I'll catch some of it.  

Our pain is not unheard.  Our pain matters.  I am not alone in the darkness.  Sometimes it feels like an uphill battle.  But may my heart and mind be trained, tuned, turned to, in the care of, the water well bursting forth even in the midst of my heart breaking.  It is there.  And when I can't feel it, when it feels the furthest thing from the truth, maybe in these moments I am floating on its infinite and eternal surface, with the waters calling, "Dive in."

Your pain matters.  When we are honest about the difficulty, we are ready for the consciousness beyond the difficulty.  We must be able to name, speak truth, be honest.  In these moments of honesty, even though possibly achieved through fear, there is liberation.  Because we find ourselves no longer fighting the reality that already knows, and we give way to its tide which changes and transforms even these deep hurts into glorious love.


Disarm me.  May my thoughts not be aggressive towards anyone, or myself.  May I not hate reality.  May I not push against the subtle tide and nuances.  May I not fight myself and others.  I am not meant for battle, but for celebration.  Yet I find myself divided, and possibly competing ideals battling within me.  Disarm me.  May I go with what the Ground of Being says.  May my fighting give way to a greater good.  May I find my home.

Home, a place where my mind won't feels conflicted anymore.  Home, a place where my vision of scarcity will erupt with the explosion of love.  Home, where I am included, where every part of me, is included.  Home, where confusion gives way to peace.  Home, a place where my thoughts and ideas won't feel like or be isolated islands vying for a limited attention.  Home, where all flows from the Source.  Home, where my wrestlings, my ancient binding, gets put to rest.  Home, where abounding life is the norm, not the exception.

May I find home.  Where, with God's help, I can finally lay down my rusty weapons, and in the arms of grace, let every chain be broken.