Saturday, April 26, 2014


Humility is holding open the possibility that I might be wrong.  I would also say, that this is essential for growth.  I don't think we're measured by the degree to which we hold our beliefs to be true, but the more essential thing is to be willing to learn.  If I believe in an infinite God, no matter my understanding, I will still have an infinite to learn.  I believe the call to us, is to accept this about ourselves, and to accept God transforming us in his way and in his time.

Humility is much more inviting than pride.  When I become aware of my deficits, of my inauthenticities, of my false self, I much more want to seek solace from someone who is on the same journey of light and darkness as I, much less someone who has "fixing" answers.  In humility, I can admit that I need each person on this planet, and that they need me.  We are not isolated from each other, but are walking this journey together.

Humility is health, it is the willingness to meet each day with open arms.  Humility can teach us those things we need to learn and those things we need to unlearn.  Humility can open me up to areas of myself that are underdeveloped, and also to others who are not like me who can shed their unique light into my darkness.  I believe that humility is a gift, and the more we treat it as such, the more it can work its power in our life.  When we're open to God, the totally Other, the only response is humility.  It is surrendering to mystery, surrendering to that which we cannot yet see, or that we never thought possible.  I believe we are led much more by our humility, much less by our desire to strengthen our own ego our support our own beliefs.

"I might be wrong", is a tough lesson to learn, but offers much more freedom than, "I'm always right."  We can drop pretense, live and love.  I believe those we consider our enemies, or those we understand the least have special significance for use.  If we can learn to love our enemies or those estranged to us than we are more likely to be able to love the estranged parts of our own selves.

God grant me humility.

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