Thursday, January 7, 2016

A return to love

If I believe that love reigns, that it is the first and the final word spoken, than why do I worry?  Why do I plot and plan and scheme?  If I believe that love is the most powerful force in the universe, shouting out good tidings, and turning even darkness to light, why do I fret so?  If I believe that goodness rings the truest call in the universe, that the debt has been payed, that life is to be lived free, why do I put shackles on myself and wrestle with them, only to cut off the nourishing oxygen that I so desperately need?

Everything God does, is done in love, to bring fullness and joy to all people, all of the time.  He seeks to shine into every dark corner, to love the marginalized, to heal the hurting, to share his beauty with all he sees.

A realization of such, should bring not fear upon my soul, not more chains and wrestling, but a return to simplicity.  A return to when I simply trust, no knowing everything, but trusting the movements of grace, and that they are moving.  With such a realization, fear can be let go of and I can experience life in the simplicity and beauty of a flower in the field, both nourished from both the water below, and from the sun above.

God grant me a heart that loves your love, that desires the simplicity of letting your love consume me, let me desire grace for all and for myself.  Be first in my life.

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