Love has never been born, yet is born over and over again, for all of eternity. Mystery embodied, and yet released in the cosmos and beyond eternity. So that somehow the flesh, spirit, mystery, the earth, everything works together. All proclaiming one thing, all singing one song. A song directed towards One, yet relevant to everything.
We are deeply loved. Deeper than the seas, higher than the heights, wider than the universe. Yet present in our cells, in our atoms, at the ground of being. We are not alone, we are home. We need just believe it. The universe was created in love, it's where it started, it's where it is heading. And yet , it is present too.
And when the night seems darkest. When darkness seem akin to out being, to our understanding, to our reality. In this, we are held. We might not know it. It might not be our experience. But there is a deeper reality that we haven't quite touched yet. But what is concealed is meant to be made known. What we suffer with in secret seeks to find it's expression. And in the expression, acceptance is.
We need not hide the parts of ourselves we don't like. The One is able even to use those to transform us. We may feel like we are in a ping pong match within our own heads. This, then that, then this, then that, back to this again, is there a third! A different option? Maybe I'm asking the wrong questions! All this might stir through us. But grace, already present in us, if allowed, makes the questions a dance, a beautiful movement.
You are good. It's how you were created. It's who you are. We need to just remember. Back when we were kids, and we laughed, and that was enough, somehow this still holds true. The time when at last we were held in a caring embrace, maybe this is who we really are, and yet deeper still. We need not have us plus something, an existence of continuing addition. Only, an existence of continued waking up to what is already true. An existence of waking up to what has been true since the beginning of time, and for all eternity. A circle dance of love. Which we are all invited into. Which we are already a part of.
The belonging I seek is the belonging I already have. It is a free gift, given and received, and a call rings, to just trust that it is true. And the call will meet us where we are at, seeing us as beautiful, seeing us only through eyes of compassion and love.
Give me grace to believe.
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