There is an energy, a life that flows out in one direction. It needs not receive anything, yet it encompasses all. The Three circle and dance, and their love flows out from the dance, spinning and flowing in all directions. There is not a place it has not yet reached. Not a place it has not yet seen. It was there first.
The flow is perfect. The most powerful force in existence, rushing, pouring, bubbling, engulfing. Yet hidden in plain sight. Let my eyes die to me so that I can see that which is beyond death. Let my heart die to me so that it may rest on the beat of the Heart of the Universe. Let my mind die to me so that it may sink into the fertile soil of wisdom. To decompose into the which was before me. Of old, yet always new.
The waterwheel of life spins and spins. Splashing and spinning with great glee. It is our true belonging. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. But this does not deter from the beauty of the physical world, rather the physical world is born out of the spiritual, as baby chicks come forth from the egg of their mother. Therefore to find out what the beauty of the physical is, is at the same time to affirm the beauty of the spiritual. We are not divided. We are not compartmentalized. We do not die to one world to be taken to another. Rather, we die to our understanding to be swept up by the ground of being, which also holds the physical together.
The poet, the mathematician, the builder, the architect, the crying mother, the lonely father, we are all telling the same story. Whether we know it or not. We are all longing for the same thing. We are more connected than we think. Only in our minds are we separate. Only in our mind are there distinctions.
So let the waterwheel flow, let it cover everything I am. Let my eyes be baptized in it's grace. Let my existence be baptized in it's love.
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