Friday, May 1, 2020


Help me to be open.  To not try and hold you in my body, but to let you flow through.  Not ever giving up on any moment.  Not adding to negativity.  Not holding out for another time and place.  Present.  Letting go of control, or rather, the illusion of control.  It's not mine to grasp, or grapple for. It's an act of letting go.  Of surrender.  Not of demanding.  I didn't start any flow of grace, it's a flow that was long before me, yet it reaches to me, to us all.  It doesn't hold over us that it was before us.  It only seeks to wrap us up, to pour over all our pain, to saturate our hearts with contentment and love.

The moment doesn't belong to me.  Each moment contains everyone, and everything.  And it is the moment that gives birth to us all, not the other way around.  I'm not my own idea.  In order to seek the wisdom of the ages then, I feel looking outward to that which gave birth to us is good.  However, in doing so we also find reference within us to.  That even though we didn't start the flow, we are somehow a part of it.  This makes you my sister, my brother.  We are all caught up in the cosmic dance.  I need to not demand of it, but rather give way to the idea that it knows better for me than I do.  I should not try and corner it, for to do so is to evade it.  I should not try and freeze it in time, even in those moments that seem to make sense to me, for to do so it not let it carry me deeper.

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