Lord God, save me from myself. May I rest secure in your arms. Forgetting all else. To be at home, and to realize that there is no place where you are not. The hope of nations, the hope of humans, the hope of those who have come before, are, or will be. May I look no place else. May my life start and end with you, and have all the in-between. Let it be you. Let me stand upon your rock, course through my veins, let not my heart drink the bitter drink of judgment and bitterness. Let my mind rejoice in you, you, who have not forgotten me, who is with me. Be my strength, have my tears, let my sorrow find rest in you grace. Be my true home, to where I turn. Teach my mind to surrender to your grace. Be bigger than my mind can conceive. Let your loving energy be the skeleton holding me up. Let me experience your heaven in the present, and then to go home to you. Let my life be yours. Sing your song over creation, that all may catch a glimpse, that we all may rejoice at your glory, that we may all see you more and more clearly all the time. Have mercy on me a sinner.
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