Thursday, September 28, 2017

Becoming One

If there were fragments, these fragments gained a buzz, not quite an energy, but a pre-energy of sorts, an attraction to Another and to each other.  Rather than shrugging it off or explaining it away, they indulged their curiosity and then suddenly found they were  not alone.  They were no longer isolated fragments, but were together, being interwoven without even having knowledge of it.  This new element, felt a buzz, felt attraction to Another and longed for something else.  "We've been here before, it says, let us indulge."  And so it did, to find itself bonded to, consumed by, consuming, one with other creations, the fragments, turned one, turned into a larger and more inclusive one, a more complex, and diversely created one.  "I like this cycle!" it states.  "Let us for all of time seek out those not yet included and include them, for we are stronger together.  Our diversity makes us beautiful, we must share, we must include, we must accept, we must love."

A Clarifying Peace

A whisper becomes a word, the word gains energy, causes curiosity, starts an energy, then energy gains momentum, the momentum picks up speed; a raindrop, to a puddle, to a stream, a river, an ocean.

Peace felt in the heart, becomes peace felt in the limbs, becomes surrogate legs to walk with.  Peace that starts in the far corner of the soul, bleeds over into our consciousness, if only as a mist at first, but is enough to color the eyes.  A wound is allowed to breathe, might seems like a small feat, but in the oxygen it begins to flower, and it's discovered that through the very place we tried to hide, mystery and light makes itself known to us.  A little fear gets uncovered, a little freedom gained for the soul, and seeps into our conversations and strivings.

Let the small victories pour forth.  For it is in this way the battle is won.  Our day to day fighting, fighting against the restrictive, constrictive, habitual, critical voices.  May seem irrelevant, may want to give up.  But landscape cleared, can be a place for grace to rest, and grace that rests is grace taking affect.  Every step you take is a step, don't run from them, let them sink in.

You matter.  Every one of your victories is a victory.  Live in the wisdom of accepted tenderness.

Hospitality and Rest

Lonely, afraid, bitter, down.  All I am feels to have sulked low.  This divisive greed wants to sprout throughout my body.  It promises me that it's my keepsake, it says no one knows like it does, it promises gold and silver.  It says "I am the silver lining, trust in me."  But I have this aching feeling that its bitter path leads towards death.  My memories start to wrestle with me, to make themselves known.  "You've been here Aaron," they say, "There is good, you don't need to kill yourself for this terrible darkness."

And lo, I have a choice.  What voice do I listen to?  Which voice is real?  Which voice is good?

Lord God, open my path before me.  Be my spacious grace, my hospitality and rest.  Lead me deep into your heart